CARPE was designed as a long-term, regional initiative. The program operates as a stand-alone Development Objective in the environment sector of the United States Agency for International Development's (USAID) Bureau for Africa and is being managed out of USAID’s office in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. CARPE is the principal mechanism through which the U.S. Government promotes the objectives of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP).

In order to effectively execute this comprehensive program, USAID directly funds a diverse group of initiatives led by different partner organizations and consortia consisting of local, national, regional, and international institutions.

During its fourth phase, CARPE has shifted from focusing on a landscape approach to conservation to adopt a threats-based approach that addresses direct drivers of forest and biodiversity loss as well as the underlying governance, market, and institutional conditions required to drive sustainable improvements in social, environmental, and economic well-being.

CARPE supports work at multiple scales, including geographically focused programs to critical protected areas combined with cross-cutting support activities that support policy and enabling conditions, inclusive markets, and knowledge management to distill and share network-wide best practices.


CARPE Administration
Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE) 
Mailing Address:
Mobil Building
Avenue Isiro, 198 
Kinshasa, DRC

For all inquiries, please contact: 


Facebook: @UsaidDRC