Other Publications & Useful Links


This section features a list of publications (both institutional white papers and articles from the peer-reviewed literature) focusing on the Congo Basin. Many of these have been supported by USAID-CARPE. Please use the filter tool to view publications by 5 selected themes: forest cover, biodiversity, carbon/REDD+, land use planning, and forest governance.

This list is organized alphabetically by author and spans multiple pages. Use the arrows at the top and bottom of the list to navigate between pages. Click on the publication to perform a Google Scholar search for the article.


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Useful Links

This section features a list of links relevant to Congo Basin conservation. The links have been broken down into general areas of interest.


1. Satellite Data

Main Satellite Data Acquisition links:


OSFAC Satellite Data and Products

Observatoire Satellital des Forêts d'Afrique Centrale (OSFAC) is based in Kinshasa, DRC. They offer Landsat, Landsat Mosaics, ASTER, and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data covering the entire Congo Basin and OSFAC focal points.


USGS Global Visualization Viewer 

USGS Global Visualization View (GloVis) offers ASTER, Landsat, MODIS, EO-1, and a number of other image collections. Registration is required, but it can be done once you have completed your search for the necessary scenes. GloVis offers the ability to spatially search their archives by uploading a shapefile representing your area of interest.


USGS EarthExplorer 

Earth Explorer offers a number of data products that include satellite imagery, imagery mosaics, digital elevation models, and other land cover products. It has an easy to use interface that starts by defining your area of interest, selecting data set, and defining additional criteria such as cloud cover or data level type.


NASA's Reverb ECHO Client 

Reverb is NASA's updated replacement for the Warehouse Inventory Tool (WIST). Search by spatial definition, temporal range, platform and instruments, processing level, and campaigns. Download URLs for the data locations or download a FTP Batch Script for automatic download of selected files, handy for bulk downloads.



LAADS Web is for accessing MODIS Level 1 and atmosphere data products through NASA. No registration is required for access to the datasets. The interface is easy to use starting with defining product of interest, selecting temporal range, product collection, and then defining spatial area by either Lat/Long or tile identification. A RGB view of the image can be viewed before downloading or ordering. Most of the data is online for direct download, however a selection of offline data will require data regeneration and later notification by email when it is ready for download.



NASA's Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE). LANCE provides near real time (3 hours or less since observation time) imagery and data products from MODIS (Terra and Aqua), AMSR-E (Aqua), AIRS (Aqua), MLS (Aura), and OMI (Aura) instruments. The data is freely available with registration.


INPE Image Catalog 

Instituto Nacional de Presquisas Espaciasis (INPE) offers imagery from CEBERS 2, CBERS 2B, Landsat, Terra, Aqua, and ResourceSat-1. The image database is searchable by satellite/sensor, date, country, region, path/row, and minimum cloud cover. Registration is required in order to request and download images.


Free VEGETATION Products 

Free access to the entire SPOT VEGETATION 10-day synthesis archive for products older than 3 months. Before beginning, identify segments of interest by search the VEGETATION Catalogue at: 
http://suvweb.vgt.vito.be/suv/catalogue.do. The site requires a quick user registration before you can add data to your cart. However, the data is free and can be searched based on instrument (VGT1 or VGT2), format (NDVI or Radiometry), region of interest, and temporal period.


Planet Action Imagery Grants 

Planet Action supports projects related to fighting and mitigating climate change by providing grants consisting of satellite images. These grants typically provide 5 to 10 images per project and can be requested from a variety of spatial and temporal resolution. Imagery can be requested from a wide variety of satellite platforms that includes SPOT, Formosat, Kompsat, Quickbird, and others.

2. Information on Donor Support to the Congo Basin Countries for REDD+

Forest Carbon Partnership Facility - Approved RPPs


Forest Carbon Partnership Facility REDD+ Guidance Docs



Countries Receiving UNREDD Support:

Lessons Learned - Africa - http://www.un-redd.org/PublicationsResources/tabid/587/Default.aspx

African Development Bank – Congo Basin Forest Fund


Grants by Country:

Cameroon - http://www.cbf-fund.org/en/node/151

Central African Republic - http://www.cbf-fund.org/en/node/145

Republic of Congo - http://www.cbf-fund.org/en/node/153

Democratic Republic of Congo - http://www.cbf-fund.org/en/node/131

Equatorial Guinea - http://www.cbf-fund.org/en/node/147

Gabon - http://www.cbf-fund.org/en/node/149


Global Environment Facility


Congo Basin Regional: CBSP Enhancing Institutional Capacities on REDD issues for Sustainable Forest Management in the Congo Basin. http://www.thegef.org/gef/project_detail?projID=3779


World Bank – Forest Investment Program

General Information - http://www.climatefundsupdate.org/listing/forest-investment-program

DRC - The only Congo Basin country targets for FIP funding at present. 

DRC-FIP Fact Sheet - https://www.climateinvestmentfunds.org/cif/sites/climateinvestmentfunds.org/files/FIP_DRC.pdf

Investment Plan of DRC - https://www.climateinvestmentfunds.org/cif/node/4167

DRC-FIP Progress Update (October 2012) - 


Private Sector Projects

Wildlife Works Carbon:

DRC – Mai-Ndombe Project Press Release - http://www.wildlifeworks.com/WWCarbon/WWCarbon/MaiNdombe_Congo_REDD.pdf

Jadora LLC:



3. Groups and government agencies working in support of biodiversity and forestry issues.

Groups working on Biodiversity and Forestry:

Government Agencies and Sponsored Groups:




Country Overviews and Documents:

Cameroon - http://www.cbd.int/countries/?country=cm

Central African Republic - http://www.cbd.int/countries/?country=cf

Democratic Republic of Congo - http://www.cbd.int/countries/?country=cd

Equatorial Guinea - http://www.cbd.int/countries/?country=gq

Gabon - http://www.cbd.int/countries/?country=ga

Republic of Congo - http://www.cbd.int/countries/?country=cg

Sao Tome and Principe - http://www.cbd.int/countries/?country=st