Documents Archive

Title Author Classsification Language
Technical support in the planning and development of national forest lands in DRC Robert Leprohon Report French
Development of REDD pilot project in the Maringa-Lopori-Wamba Landscape Nicholas Grondard Report English
Camaroon Environmental News: April-June 2011 CARPE News items French
2010 Annual Report USAID/CARPE Activites in the COMIFAC/PFBC Landscapes in Support of the COMIFAC Convergence Plan Jason Ko Report English
Report of the regional workshop presentation guides the planning of regional planning at the landscape level COMIFAC/CBFP and excahnges of experiences on the zoning plan COMIFAC Report French
Community-Based Natural Resource Management Planning in Central Africa: A U.S. Forest Service Guide Version 2.0 USFS Guidance English
Planification et gestion des aires protégées d'Afrique centrale: Guide du Service forestier des Etats-Unis Version 2.0 USFS Guidance French
Protected Area Management Planning in Central Africa: A U.S. Forest Service Guide Version 2.0 USFS Guidance English
Planification et aménagement intégré des paysages d'Afrique centrale : Guide du Service forestier des Etats-Unis Version 3.0 USFS Guidance French
Integrated Landscape Land Use Planning in Central Africa: A U.S. Forest Service Guide Version 3.0 USFS Guidance English
Planification dans les zones d'extraction de ressources en Afrique centrale : Guide du Service forestier des Etats-Unis Version 1.0 USFS Guidance French
Extractive Resource Zone PLanning in Central Africa: A U.S. Forest Service Guide Version 1.0 USFS Guidance English
Planification et gestion des ressources naturelles à base communautaire en Afrique centrale: Guide du Service forestier des Etats-Unis Version 2.0 USFS Guidance French
Service forestier des Etats-Unis Rapport de mission: Elaboration de la politique nationale du Gabon pour l'écotourisme USFS Report French
United States Forest Service Trip Report: Gabon National Policy Development for Nature Based Tourism USFS Report English
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